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.    ALLAGAN HISTORIAN.    . common. Evander's studies at the Magitek Academy centered around ancient Allag and its technology. He's something of an expert on the matter--as much as anyone can be from reading history books--and knows his way around Allag technology..    CHEF.    . common. Evander is a passionate chef. His first course of action upon meeting you is to ensure you're well fed. He's always eager to learn new recipes and is particularly passionate about learning cuisine from other nations outside of Garlemald..    RETIRED SOLDIER.    . uncommon. Once a member of the XIVth Imperial Legion, Evander retired from the warfront when he sustained an injury that made fighting impossible. Others who fought in the XIVth may have seen him around--he was in it for many, many years.

.    PRAETORIUM SURVIVOR.    . uncommon. As a member of the XIVth, Evander was in Praetorium when it was destroyed by the Ultima Weapon. He was badly injured in its collapse, but narrowly survived--a fact he attributes mostly to luck. The destruction of Praetorium was the biggest turning point in his life..    ULTIMA WEAPON.    . rare. As a researcher of ancient Allag, Evander was deeply involved in the development of the anti-Eikon technology which went into the Ultima Weapon. That it resulted in so much destruction is a point of guilt for him that he still harbors to this day..    SALUS POPINA.    . rare. After the events of Praetorium, Evander decided to dedicate his retirement to providing a safe space for soldiers who had become equally disenfranchised to the Empire. He now runs an underground bar where conscripts and Garleans alike can gather away from the Empire's prying eyes.


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.    FULL NAME.    .    evander kir valerius.    D.O.B. + AGE    .    5th sun of the 4th astral moon | 54
.    PATRON.    .    rhalgr
.    GENDER.    .    cisgender male
.    PRONOUNS.    .    he/him
.    ORIENTATION.    .    pansexual
.    OCCUPATION.    .    chef, bakery owner
.    SPECIES.    .    pureblood garlean
.    VOICECLAIM.    .    mads mikkelson

.    BIRTHPLACE.    .    garlemald
.    CURRENT HOME.    .    ishgard, empyreum
.    LANGUAGE(S).    .    garlean (fluent), eorzean (conversational), allagan (rudimentary)
.    SIG. OTHER.    .    n/a
.    PET(S).    .    an allagan node named Dux
.    POS. TRAITS.    .     knowledgeable, perceptive, mature, practical
.    NEG. TRAITS.    .     guilt complex, stubborn, meddlesome

.    LIKES.    .    cooking, sharing stories, allagan technology
.    DISLIKES.    .    people who don't take their shoes off indoors
.    DEFINING TRAITS.    .    scarring around his eyes and temple, legally blind, garlean third eye, sunspots and freckles across entire body
.    APPEARANCE.    .    pure-blooded garlean, but surprisingly short despite this. graying long hair kept braided to the side. both eyes are cloudy and gray.
.    MAIN JOB.    .    CUL

.    SUMMARY    . A Garlean engineer and a historian, Evander has dedicated his life to the research of Allagan technology.Integer a magna egestas, iaculis sapien ac, malesuada erat. Donec aliquet, lacus non scelerisque ornare, lectus orci rutrum tellus, eu commodo tortor nibh pharetra sapien. Phasellus finibus elit lacus, quis tincidunt nulla sagittis a. Pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum ut lacus vulputate mollis. Ut vehicula, odio ac tempus sodales, ipsum lectus aliquam augue, vitae lacinia arcu neque vel risus. Sed malesuada interdum arcu at congue. Nunc eros mi, euismod vel convallis eget, eleifend vel odio. Nullam mi est, lacinia id lacinia ac, vehicula quis risus. Nulla aliquet urna eu mi ultrices, ut interdum ex aliquet. Nunc lacinia volutpat nisi at feugiat. Sed at vulputate urna. Vestibulum tempor diam efficitur rutrum consectetur..    OPTINONAL SUBTITLE    . Praesent urna leo, rhoncus id libero at, mattis scelerisque libero. Praesent quis nisl nisi. Aenean eget dolor porttitor, finibus arcu nec, ultricies sapien. Donec libero ipsum, mattis et lorem quis, commodo placerat tortor. Fusce tempor nibh et tincidunt tristique. Cras odio felis, feugiat in lacus a, tristique dapibus massa. Proin aliquam leo ut blandit egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse malesuada consequat ante vitae vulputate. Suspendisse ullamcorper ipsum arcu, eu auctor ex tempus quis. Vestibulum et tincidunt justo. Ut venenatis metus velit, id pretium ante mattis in. Proin quis commodo elit. Maecenas dapibus urna in lorem hendrerit porttitor. Vivamus consectetur ex sit amet tellus maximus tincidunt..    OPTINONAL SUBTITLE    . Integer a magna egestas, iaculis sapien ac, malesuada erat. Donec aliquet, lacus non scelerisque ornare, lectus orci rutrum tellus, eu commodo tortor nibh pharetra sapien. Phasellus finibus elit lacus, quis tincidunt nulla sagittis a. Pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum ut lacus vulputate mollis. Ut vehicula, odio ac tempus sodales, ipsum lectus aliquam augue, vitae lacinia arcu neque vel risus. Sed malesuada interdum arcu at congue. Nunc eros mi, euismod vel convallis eget, eleifend vel odio. Nullam mi est, lacinia id lacinia ac, vehicula quis risus. Nulla aliquet urna eu mi ultrices, ut interdum ex aliquet. Nunc lacinia volutpat nisi at feugiat. Sed at vulputate urna. Vestibulum tempor diam efficitur rutrum consectetur.Praesent urna leo, rhoncus id libero at, mattis scelerisque libero. Praesent quis nisl nisi. Aenean eget dolor porttitor, finibus arcu nec, ultricies sapien. Donec libero ipsum, mattis et lorem quis, commodo placerat tortor. Fusce tempor nibh et tincidunt tristique. Cras odio felis, feugiat in lacus a, tristique dapibus massa. Proin aliquam leo ut blandit egestas.


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.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias


.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias
.    URL HERE.    . character name, as written by alias